Wenkbrauwen by Charity

Brows by Charity

Never underestimate the power of good brows!


Number one and the most popular permanent make-up treatment: eyebrows. That’s not surprising at all when you see how important a good eyebrow is on the face. For example, the eyebrows give expression, make your eyes stand out and with the right angle you get a younger appearance

Never have to stand in front of the mirror in the morning to draw them and just have perfect eyebrows all day long. Who wouldn’t want that?

The most important thing when creating eyebrows with PMU is what does the face say? In other words, what is the most natural form and technique for you? I am happy to advise you which type of eyebrow best suits your face. I draw the desired shape, type and color in advance. Only after you are satisfied will I start pigmenting the drawing.


“Your wish is my command!
 I always take plenty of time for the consult and the pre-draw
of the eyebrows”


What are the options for PMU on eyebrows?

Hairstroke Brow

Hairstroke Brow

With this technique I imitate the natural hairs using an ultra thin needle. Because I let the ‘hairs’ cross and flow with the natural hair growth, this gives a 3D effect. I carefully examine your natural hair growth in advance. This technique is best if you want a natural eyebrow.

Ombre brow

Powder Brow

The Powder Brow is a shading technique with a gradient in color intensity at the front of the eyebrows, also called the start. With Powder Brows, the base of the eyebrows is shaded lighter and darker towards the tail, which gives the whole a beautiful transition but also looks very soft and natural. The result can be compared to applying a soft eyebrow powder. This technique is nice if you want a stylized but soft eyebrow.

Combi brows

Combi Brow

The Combi Brow is the best of both worlds! I use the Hairstoke Technique for the start of the brow. The rest of the eyebrow is nicely filled in with the Powder technique. This way you get the natural effect of the Hairstrokes but also the softly styled effect of the Powder. Can’t you choose? Then this technique is the perfect style for you!

Male Brow

The PMU men’s eyebrow is often accompanied by a skin condition called Alopecia, in which the hairs no longer grow. There are also men who only have half an eyebrow due to hair loss. Often the tail is the part that is missing. These eyebrows require a completely different approach than the women’s eyebrow. This eyebrow may be ‘messy’ with a certain A-symmetry. I have a lot of experience with men’s eyebrows, as a man you have come to the right place and I take care of a natural ‘real’ men’s eyebrow.

The treatment

Every treatment starts with an extensive consult. During this consult we will discuss your wishes together and I will advise you which technique suits you best. After this consult, we will choose a suitable color together and I will start drawing the eyebrows. I will only start the treatment when I am 100% satisfied. After the treatment, we will discuss the follow-up treatment in detail together. At least two treatments are always needed, 6 – 8 weeks apart. The skin needs time to heal.

During the consult, the focus is on creating your perfect eyebrow. Your ideas, preferences and especially personal characteristics form the basis of your eyebrows.

The shape of your face, your nose and eyes play an important role. It is important to remember that your eyebrows can enhance your facial expression. Because what happens to your face when you laugh or frown?

Your facial expression should remain natural. Whether you are super happy or a little sad, your eyebrows strengthen your emotions! Your skin tone and (original) hair color also play a role. All in all, there is quite a lot involved in achieving the perfect eyebrow. I like to take my time for this process!

What should you pay attention to?

After the treatment, the eyebrows look a lot darker than they will be after healing. After about three days the small scabs/skins start to peel off. The eyebrows should not get wet during these first three days (72 hours). So don’t shower with your head under the shower, watch out for the eyebrows when removing make-up, don’t shower for too long because of the steam development in the shower and don’t exercise intensively. Sweat is also moisture with salt and that makes the recovery of your eyebrows difficult. Therefore, wash your hair before the treatment so that you are well prepared.

The pigments fade over time. I therefore recommend that you return approximately every 12 – 18 months for a touch-up (refresher treatment). If you wait too long, your beautifully pigmented eyebrows will fade considerably over time.

Good follow-up treatment is essential for good healing. I will tell you about this in detail during the intake interview and provide you with documentation after the treatment. This way you can read all the information at home.

Have you had your eyebrows done elsewhere in the past?
And is it time to have this updated again or are you not completely satisfied with this?
Then of course you can also contact me!

Want to know more? Send me a message:

or make an appointment directly via the appointment button

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